The Williams Family

Monday, May 5, 2008

I was TAGGED....thanks Christie!

I was tagged by Christie to brag about my huband so here it goes.....

What is his name?
Henry David Williams

How long have you been married?
It will be 25 years in August...WOW how time has flown!

Who eat's more?
Seriously....who cares! We both LOVE food!

Who said "I love you" FIRST?
He did. He told me "Ofa Atu" over the phone but wouldn't tell me what it mean't for a couple of days! (Cute huh???)

Who's taller?
He is taller

Who sings better?
We both don't sing good, but we love to sing!!!

Who is smarter?
Henry is very smart!

Who has the worst temper?
It's me....Henry doesn't even know what a temper is! He is so mild mannered and always so happy and positive!

Who does the laundry?
We both do

Who does the dishes?
I do the dishes! He will claim that he "helps" but it's only once in a while!

Who cooks dinner?
I cook. Henry's idea of cooking is Wendy's or ordering in Pizza!

Who drives?
We both do.

Who is more stubborn?
I am.

Who has more friends?
Everyone loves Henry

Who has more siblings?
Henry does....he has an AMAZING family and I love them.

Who wears the pants in the family?
He does. But it's a lava lava! ha

As you can see, I'm married to a wonderful man. I love him so much and I'm lucky to be his eternal companion!